Strategic SEO Techniques

In today's digital era, the internet reigns supreme, which means, as a business, if you want to be seen by potential customers, you need to implement web pages that are favorable to both search engines as well as to potential customers. Follow these guidelines and you’ll help your chances of appearing on the first page of search results, which will put you in front of a wider audience.

Creating the Perfect Balance Between Algorithmic Tools and People

Optimizing your web page for search engines can be a challenging task because it often requires composing your content to satisfy algorithms, which means the phrases and keywords may not necessarily make complete sense to people. On the other hand, search engines, such as Google, also reward quality content that is useful and relevant to people, which also helps boost your SEO.

An excellent way to do this is with invisible SEO. Invisible SEO means strategically placing your SEO phrases and keywords where they are less likely to be noticed by readers. This way, you'll be able to satisfy both components by providing quality content that appeals to your readers while also fulfilling search engine requirements, so you benefit on both ends.

However, because as stated earlier, optimizing your page for search engines often entails placing awkward keywords and phrases into your content, you can't just stick them anywhere in the text and only hope for the best when it comes to your readers. Instead, it has to be more inconspicuous, or unnoticeable, to have the most significant effect.  Some ways to incorporate invisible SEO into your web page include:

Search Engine Optimization Headers

The headers and subtitles contained on your page are quite often viewed by readers as much less relevant than the actual content on your page. Therefore, they provide a great way to subtly hide awkward SEO phrases and keywords on your web page.

Reports show that readers generally only briefly look over the headers and subtitles as just a way to gain a general idea of the content to come. Therefore, they don't require much effort when composing them, which means they can be used to help make your page more SEO friendly. In other words, just think of your headers and titles as an excellent way to subtly place your SEO keywords into your web page.

Search Engine Optimization Meta Descriptions

Usually, the second element, after the title, that viewers notice on your site is the meta description.
The meta description is the introductory text box that is displayed right beneath your URL on the search results page. This introductory text is viewed by readers in pretty much the same way as they see headers and subtitles, as just a way to gain a general idea of the content to come. It also makes a subtle place to insert SEO phrases and keywords.

However, you still need to make sure the meta description also contains quality texts because it still needs to encourage readers to click on the URL, which helps improve your click-through rate.

Search Engine Optimization Conclusion

Search engines treat all SEO phrases and keywords pretty much the same, whether they are placed at the beginning of your content or the end. At the same time, most readers view the conclusion at the end of your web page, which means they are also most likely to skim over this element of your page as well quickly. Incorporating one to two bold or italicized SEO keywords or phrases, Google likes bold and italicized texts, in the conclusion of your content can help give you a boost in search engine rankings.

Search Engine Optimization Image ALT Attributes

Captivating images placed throughout your web page helps further engage your audience and gets them more interested in your content.

Adding text along with your images not only allows you to provide useful details for your readers, but it also provides a great place to incorporate a few SEO phrases or keywords into the images for better SEO. By doing so, it will enable search engines to view your images in a way that is algorithm friendly as opposed to just seeing a picture like humans. Instead, the search engine will read the image's ALT text, which will help improve your ranking. Try placing SEO phrases and keywords along with your images to help make your page more search engine friendly.

Search Engine Optimization URL

Another place that is most likely to go scrutinized by your readers is the URL; therefore, it provides yet another great place to insert SEO phrases and keywords. To do so, you'll want to begin by placing just a word or two into the URL and steer clear of using underscores in the URL as they go unseen by search engines. Instead, use hyphens, which are more search engine friendly.

You need to make sure your URL also contains useful information within it, such as the domain name, category, and then some useful content with the SEO keywords included as opposed to just the domain name, category, and then some database generated gibberish that is of no use to your readers. This way, it provides something for your readers to read as well as something for the search engine to optimize.

When considering whether or not to implement a web page for your business, it is essential to note that millennials are not as responsive to traditional means of marketing, such as television ads. Studies show that with the growing number of mobile users, more and more people are turning to the internet for their information. Therefore, to help increase your business exposure and to ensure your business continues to thrive in the future, you could benefit from a web page that includes SEO keywords.

This is especially important for small and local businesses to stand out among larger, more well-known businesses they may otherwise not have a chance of rivaling.

When in doubt about the correct keywords and phrases to optimize your web page for search engines, consult an experienced SEO company which is well adept in SEO strategies, including the right SEO phrases and keywords for your niche, to help get you noticed.

About the Author

Craig Corbel is the VP of Marketing at Solution Web Designs, a leading online marketing agency. Learn more about their services by visiting


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