Optimize Your Website for Google Voice Search

How To Optimize Your Website for Google Voice Search

Google completely changed the way users searched for information while using their phones with the release of Google Voice Search. In the past, searching online while using a phone or another device required that you open your browser, type the word or phrase you wanted to search for in that box, and wait for the results to come back. 

Google Voice Search allows you to ask Google a question and find results almost instantly. You can update your website to work with this feature, which will make the site more appealing and accessible to those using the web.

What is Google Voice Search?

Google Voice Search is a tool that Google released for its users that allows them to do searches with their voice instead of their fingers. Initially available only on Android devices, Google later released a version that works on Apple devices. Many users compare it to Siri, the app designed by Apple for its devices. You can speak on your phone and ask Google a question like who sings a specific song. It also allows you to find information about restaurants and businesses near you. It now supports more than 50 different languages.

Integration with Other Products

Google looked for ways to integrate this feature with other products such as YouTube and Google Maps. While using Google Maps to get directions, you can now use this feature to speak your destination instead of typing the address on your screen. This lets you keep your eyes on the road and still get updated directions while on your way. Integrating Google Voice Search into YouTube allows you to search for film trailers, music videos, and other content with your voice. It does an excellent job of distinguishing what you want to find as you speak.

Using Google Voice Search

Using Google Voice Search is a little different than using voice recognition software. Google uses its algorithm that determines where sites appear in search results. While this once focused heavily on sites with links to other pages on the web and those that used a higher keyword density, Google keeps changing its algorithm, which adjusts which sites appear at the top of the results. Whether an individual uses a browser or his or her own voice to search for sites on Google, the same sites will rise to the top. That is why it is so important that you optimize your website to work with Google Voice Search.

Answer Simple But Very Specific Questions

Using your site to answer simple questions is one of the best ways to optimize your site for voice searches. You need to look for questions that you can answer on your site that relate to each page. If you run a website dedicated to DSLR cameras, you might post information about what different types of lenses do, and the top things to look for in a new camera. Trying to answer questions that are too broad in nature can result in a site that doesn't answer any questions and does not provide any valuable information.

Thanks to Google Voice Search, those using the web can easily find the information they need with simple searches using their voices. To make this feature work for your site, you need to know which keywords to use and optimize your site for those searches.

About the Author

Craig Corbel is the Vice President of Marketing and Design at Solution Web Designs, an agency that caters to small and mid-sized companies in the tristate area. Learn more by visiting their website.


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