Proper SEO Guidelines for People Building their Own Websites

Man Pointing Out Proper SEO Techniques

When you have an idea and you want to turn it into a website or an online blog, there are a few steps to take prior to launching your site and promoting its content to potential visitors and customers or clients. 

Understanding the importance of search engine optimization is one way for you to get started whether you are planning to promote a niche blog of your own, or if you are seeking new methods and platforms to promote your brand to an expanded audience and demographic online.

Relevant and Engaging Content

In order to build a website with proper SEO, it is imperative to provide relevant and engaging content that your users find both useful and interesting over time. 

Whenever you have a website or blog, whether for personal or business purposes, sharing new information that is exciting and cannot be found on hundreds of other websites will not only help to increase visitor loyalty, but it also appeals to search engines themselves when they begin to virtually "crawl" your website for keywords and content information.

Speed and Reliability

Speed and reliability is also an important consideration to think of when you are reviewing the current optimization of any website you are managing or operating online. When search engines virtually crawl websites, they are often able to detect more keywords and content within websites that have faster loading speeds and times altogether. 

It is important to find a managed or dedicated hosting service that guarantees 100% uptime and additional speed guarantees to ensure the content you produce on your site is picked up properly at all times by any search engines you are interested in placing your URL within.

Understanding Your Target Demographic

Reaching a specific audience is not always easy, regardless of the type of products or services you have to offer to potential clients and online visitors. When you want to reach an audience, knowing as much information as possible about the demographic you want to appeal to is essential. Use tools to track statistics and analytic reports of individuals who visit your website to find out more about their interests, age range and even their gender. 

The more you know about the audience you are trying to reach, the easier it becomes to determine which keywords you should focus on optimizing when getting your website into search engines and online listings.

Use Multiple Platforms to Share Content

Social media marketing is not only a new method of communicating with a larger audience of online followers, but it also helps to boost the overall optimization of your site based on the URL and type of content you are sharing. Each time you use your brand's Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Tumblr accounts to share your website's URL and new content you have published, different search engines are more likely to pick up the site URL itself to place it within its own search results.

The more frequently you post and become involved with sharing your links on social media, the easier it is to increase your site's overall optimization and page ranking. When your website has a higher page ranking, finding your site's URL within the first page of search results for trending keywords is much more likely.

What to Avoid When Implementing SEO Into a Website

Although there are many tips to help with staying on track with properly implementing optimization for your site and search engines, there are also a few issues you should be sure to avoid to keep your site from becoming blacklisted or blocked from search engines altogether.

  • Copied and Unoriginal Content: Reposting copied and unoriginal content from other websites and blogs is never acceptable when you want to optimize your website, even if you give credit to all of the content owners themselves. Although sharing content and reproducing it within your site can sometimes be a positive move, it is often only done when you are hosting a guest blogger on your site. Always be sure to produce high-quality content that is original and relevant to the audience you want to reach.
  • Keyword Stuffing: Avoid stuffing keywords you want to target over and over repeatedly within articles of content you plan to publish live to your site. Keyword stuffing is not only frowned upon by search engines which can get you blacklisted, but it will also deter your readers and visitors from reading and experience valuable and credible content. 
  •  Spammy Links: Even if you want to incorporate link-building into your site's online marketing plan, avoid purchasing links and buying links from websites with higher page ranks, as this can result in your website become blocked and blacklisted from search engines including Yahoo!, Bing and Google. Additionally, it is important to avoid spamming different links of high page ranked websites, as this may appear as spam to search engines.
Working With a Professional Company

Working together with a professional NYC SEO company is one way for you to ensure your website is receiving as much traction as possible within search engines such as Google, Yahoo! and Bing. When you work with professionals who have experience with implementing search engine optimization into blogs and websites, it is much easier to find your website within the first pages of search results.

Having a professional NYC SEO company to help through the process of determining the best keywords for your site or its content is another way to gain insight into understanding on a deeper level how to reach just about any audience you have in mind.

Understanding how search engine optimization matters for both personal and business-based websites is a way for you to implement SEO into your own site or online presence. The more you know about adding SEO into your site for a brand or to send a message, the easier it becomes to share content, news and other information with followers and potential customers who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

Craig Corbel is the VP of Marketing at Solution Web Designs, a web design agency for small and mid-sized businesses.


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